June already! I hope you all are keeping warm and healthy with the change of season. June 1 st
annually is World Milk Day. Even though I have been working either directly or indirectly in the dairy industry for 30 years I didn’t really know much about World Milk Day, so I looked it up. World Milk Day was established in 2001 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. The purpose is to recognise the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector. The 2024 theme was focussing on celebrating the role dairy plays in delivering quality nutrition. Milk is an essential part of balanced diets around the world. It ranks as a top five source for 23 of the 29 essential nutrients within the global food system. Milk supplies 7% of global calories and contributes 12% of the world’s protein intake. It is a critical source of many essential nutrients, including 48% of dietary calcium, 24% of Vitamin B2, 18% of lysine, and over 10% of several other key vitamins and amino acids, such as vitamins A, B5, and B12, phosphorus, and potassium. We know dairy is a large and important part of Taranaki’s economy. Did you know that 95% of dairy products produced in New Zealand is exported, and 70% of New Zealand dairy farms are owner operated. Thanks to all that participated in our Pink Ribbon Brunch and raffle fundraiser for Karrissa Ririkore’s cancer treatment costs. And special thanks to Linda and the Tairoa team for the catering and use of their beautiful venue. We managed to raise $320 for Pink Ribbon and $405 to support Karrissa. Great work everyone. Tara Mckerrow spoke from the heart on Karrissa’s cancer journey. Gave us a lot to think about, especially about asking more questions when it comes to our healthcare; know your breast cancer risk; access to BRCA gene testing and results; and how underfunded cancer care can be. Our club is in a position to push forward change. As a club we can discuss if we want to put together a resolution to address some of the issues Tara raised. Please reach out if you want to help with a resolution. We have a few months to put one together. If you weren’t at the brunch but still want to support Karrissa her give a little page is: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/help-us-get-karrissa- private-oncologist-treatment Wasn’t it great to see our past member, Jacq Dwyer, receive the King’s Service Medal for services to the community in the King’s Birthday honours. She really is an inspiration with how much effort in her own time she puts into preserving the history of the South Taranaki region. Jacq is the chair of the Pātea Community Board, president of the Pātea Historical Society, an author, and historian. Make sure you congratulate her when you next see her. Please continue to respond in a timely manner each month as to whether you will be at the dinner meeting. It makes it easier for our dinner convenor, and Trish at SomeDay to plan. Tip for the month: Eight tips this month around Women’s health: 1. Make and keep your regular check ups and screenings with your healthcare providers 2. Eat a balanced diet 3. Stay active 4. Manage stress 5. Get enough sleep 6. Stay hydrated 7. Know your family history 8. Stay informed – advocate for your own health and wellbeing. To view the full newsletter click here...
Toni's Message It was lovely to see so many of our club members at the Anzac Day service in Hawera.
I was so proud of the number of men, women, and children that turned out acknowledge the sacrifices made by our armed services. The annual BPW NZ AGM was held online on Sunday 28 th April. My thanks to Catherine Trowbridge and Marissa Cope, who along with myself were the delegates for our club. The Vaping Resolution was contentious. We all agreed that flavours needed to be removed from vapes, and that vapes should have the same controls as cigarettes. However, the other two clauses were only narrowly passed by the AGM. These were the ones we disagreed with due to the potential barriers they put in the way to those that genuinely want to give up smoking cigarettes – that vapes should only be available if prescribed by a doctor, and only available at pharmacies. Democracy took its course, and the resolution is now part of our BPW policy. Marissa also spoke well on the Professional Apprenticeships for Health Professionals resolution. There was discussion over the use of the word “apprenticeships”, but the resolution passed unanimously. Well done Marissa! There is going to be a BPW Leadership forum to be held on the 5 th October in Auckland open to all BPW members. More information will come from BPW NZ as we get closer to the date. Next years AGM will be a face-to-face conference again likely to be held near Auckland airport for ease of travel. If there are any ideas you have on resolutions you think we need to get put into BPW policy, start thinking about discussing and drafting your ideas now. You will have started seeing information come out about the Pink Ribbon Brunch we are holding on the 26 th May at Tairoa Lodge (thanks to Linda for the use of her beautiful venue). You can get tickets from the iSite in Hawera. If you have trouble getting in to the iSite let us know how many tickets you need and we can get some put aside for you. All proceeds from the brunch are going to Pink Ribbon. In addition, we are taking the opportunity to support and raise money for Karrissa Ririkore’s treatment costs. Karrissa used to be a member of BPW Hawera and is battling breast cancer. To spend more time with her young family she has to self-fund oncologist treatment drugs. Let’s help her out! Her give a little page: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/help-us-get-karrissa-private-oncologist-treatment At the Pink Ribbon Brunch we want to have a fantastic raffle will all funds going to directly to Karrissa. We are asking our members, and friends of our club to support this by providing an item or items for this raffle (any buying tickets of course!) Please bring along items for this raffle to our next dinner meeting on the 20th of May. Let’s make it our best raffle ever. Our club dinner meeting, we will have our very own Marissa Cope speaking about the changes at Te Whatu Ora, the Pae Ora bill, and health stats. Tip for the month: Check your breasts at home. Self-checking is about feeling for changes that aren’t normal for you. This may be a lump, thickened area, or anything that feels totally different from any other area in your breasts. Check the Breast Cancer Foundation website for further information. https://www.breastcancerfoundation.org.nz/breast-awareness/breast-changes/check-your-breasts Toni Hunt - BPW Hāwera Club President To see the full newsletter click here... I hope you managed to get a bit of a break in over Easter Weekend. Wasn’t it great to see the sun out.
Thanks to the generous donations we have a fantastic Easter themed hamper to raffle off at our April dinner. It looks fantastic! The votes are in on whether we kept the 1904 Collect we had on our placemats, or update to the alternative collect adopted in 2020 at the Congress in Mexico City. There were two votes for the 1904 Collect, and 12 votes received for the 2020 collect. We will refresh our placemats soon with the updated collect, and a fresh new look. Sunday 28 th April is the BPW NZ AGM, and you should all have received an email from the national executive with information on the AGM. The AGM will be held online this year, and the face-to- face conferences will be held every second year going forward. Our Hāwera club gets three delegates which gives us three votes at AGM. Past club President Marissa Cope and I are happy to be delegates, but to be able to utilise our third vote we need a third delegate. If you are interested in being a club delegate please let me know. Even if you don’t want to be a delegate you can register as an observer and watch some or all the AGM throughout the day. I will be setting up my big screen TV at home with a webcam to view and participate in the AGM if you wanted to pop in and see a bit of the AGM – just get in touch with me. No guest speaker this month as we have a quite a few things to discuss at our April meeting. Prior to the AGM we must, as a club, decide how we will vote on each of the resolutions. We have already provided feedback on the resolutions as they were presented to us in February, but now we are at the stage if we say we are going to vote for or against resolution. We have also been asked to second one of the resolutions: Professional Apprenticeships for Health Professionals. If as a club we are happy to second this, Marissa has agreed to prepare and speak at the AGM on this resolution. We also want to discuss the South Taranaki District Council Long Term Plan – you may have seen a copy of the consultation document online or in the Taranaki Star. https://www.southtaranaki.com/our-council/plans-strategies-and-reports/long-term-plan We will have a discussion at our April meeting about issues that concern us and provide a submission on the proposal and what else we would like to see in the plan. We also will discuss KTA and give the opportunity for members to either work on or sign off some actions. Our club will recognise Anzac Day and lay a wreath at the Hawera dawn ceremony again this year. We will send out information about where to meet if you want to be part of the club contingent closer to the day. We are currently in the initial planning stages of organising a potential Pink Ribbon Breakfast towards the end of May. More info to come, so watch out for that! A great event to share with friends and family. Tip for the month: There was a great item on RNZ National on Monday 1 st April titled “how to negotiate a better deal”. https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/eastermonday/audio/2018932366/how-to-negotiate- a-better-deal Great advice in the 12-minute segment and well worth listening to if you are looking to ask for raise, buy a new car, or even a house. To view the full newsletter click here... March brings with us not only Autumn, and some suitably Autumn-ish weather but also International Women’s Day. March 8 was International Women’s Day, with the theme this year of “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”. It is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements, and the diversity of women. We need to celebrate the value of women we know every day. Call out discrimination whenever we see or experience it. We do this not just for ourselves, but for those that aren’t strong enough to have a voice, are not in a position where their voices can be heard. And to pave a way for the young women and girls that will live in world that is hopefully a little bit better, and more gender equal.
UN Women called out five key areas that need action globally: Investing in women: A human rights issue Ending poverty Implementing gender-responsive financing Shifting to a green economy and care society Supporting feminist change-makers Go the UN women’s website for more information. https://unwomen.org.nz/international-womens- day We will recognise International Women’s Day at our March 18 th dinner meeting. Wear purple, the colour for International Women’s Day, to show your support for the women in your life. Easter is coming up also. We want to organise a fantastic Easter hamper to raffle off at our April dinner. Please bring along items for the hamper to the March dinner at SomeDay or contact one of the executive to collect it off you if you are unable to attend. For those that missed February’s dinner – you would have missed that our lovely Rebecca Treeby has stood down from the executive committee and secretary duties due to personal reasons. Our executive would like to extend its thanks again to Rebecca for all the hard work she has put in in keeping our club functioning so well. You will be a hard act to follow, but I would like to thank Desiree Bond for stepping up at short notice – you are a star! We have been looking at the placemats we use at our dinners and will refresh the aims to reflect the BPW International Aims. But before we do that, we will also ask our members to vote on whether we continue with the 1904 collect that we currently have printed on the cards or update to the alternative collect adopted in 2020 at the Congress in Mexico City. The first collect was written in 1904 by Colorado member Mary Stewart. The 2020 version is an option that appeals to a broader group of women. You will be sent out in a separate email the two collects. Save the date: Sunday 28 th April is the BPW NZ AGM. The AGM will be held online this year, and the face-to-face conferences will be held every second year going forward. Reminder, if you are on Facebook and do not currently follow our page, I recommend you do so, you’ll find us easily at BPW Hāwera. We will be posting more information and content on our Facebook page to supplement our monthly newsletter, our monthly meetings, and our Web Site content. Tip for the month: Want to know the difference between Equal Pay, Pay Equity, and Pay Parity – here is a basic explanation: EQUAL PAY Equal pay means women and men are paid the same for doing the same work. PAY EQUITY Pay equity means women and men are paid the same for work that is different, but of equal value. PAY PARITY Pay parity means the same pay for the same work across different employers, organisations, and workplaces. To view the full newsletter click here... Hello and welcome to our first newsletter of 2024. I hope those of you that managed a bit of a break this summer had a relaxing and recharging time.
The club executive committee also took a bit of a break over Christmas and New Years, but we were back into it, and had our annual planning meeting on the last Sunday of January. Not only did we map out of plan for club activities for 2024, but we have also started working on a Social Media Strategy with the aims of:
If you are on Facebook and do not currently follow our page, I recommend you do so, you’ll find us easily at BPW Hāwera. We will be posting more information and content on our Facebook page to supplement our monthly newsletter, our monthly meetings, and our Web Site content. Our plan is for our club to continue its inclusive and welcoming nature. “Business and Professional” may be misleading title for some women given the diversity of our members backgrounds, and we are encouraging that diversity. Our club is for ALL women who want to network, work for the betterment of themselves, other women, and the community – or even if you just want to get out of the house once a month for lovely meal out with a great bunch of people. Everyone has something to share with, or learn from, the rest of our members. We have seen an uptick of no-shows, or non-payments for our club dinner nights. As our caterer, SomeDay is opening and cooking especially for us we have to pay for every meal that we have booked. Things do come up so if you need to cancel a dinner, please do so at the earliest opportunity. Very late cancellations / no shows to the dinner will continue to need to be paid for as the club is charged. When you do confirm your attendance to the dinner meeting, we also recommend you pay for your dinner online if possible. Please reach out if you don’t have our bank account number. Monday 5th February was Red Bag Day. Red Bag Day represents how big the gender pay gap is. As women in New Zealand, on average, are paid less than males, women would need to work to Monday 5th February 2024 to earn the same amount as men earned in 2023. The gender pay gap is even bigger for Māori and Pasifika women. At our upcoming February dinner meeting – please bring along a red bag if you have one to represent the ongoing fight for equal pay for equal value work for all women. Reminder of the new Keys to Achievement programme is up and running on the new BPW NZ Website, and is available in the Members Only section. Please contact me, or any of the club executive for the password to access. It can be downloaded and filled out and we have also printed copies for distribution. If you want a printed book like the old version, we can order one for you for $15. Save the date: Sunday 28th April is the BPW NZ AGM. The AGM will be held online this year, and the face-to-face conferences will be held every second year going forward. Tip for the month: Looking for a Business Management qualification to boost your career? Are you aware that you may be eligible to apply for a fee free NZQA recognised Certificate in Business or Business Management? There are various options available through learning providers in New Zealand, face to face or online. A couple of on-line examples are the Open Polytechnic, or Aspire2. Or locally in Taranaki there are fee free courses at WITT Te Pūkenga. Check it out on their websites. Toni Hunt - BPW Hāwera Club President “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” - ARIANNA HUFFINGTON To view the newsletter click here... |
June 2024
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