How exciting it's November 2020 and the Christmas countdown has started. Welcome to our new BPW Hawera executive I thank you for volunteering your time for our club. What a great AGM we had last month, thank you to Jan Dunlop for chairing the AGM and Marissa Cope for taking the AGM minutes. Marissa was also our guest speaker last month and her presentation on Health and Saftey in the workplace now with Covid was very informative and interesting, we all learned something.
This month we will announce the result of our Women's Education Scholarship, thank you to everyone who applied. BPWNZ President Christine Berridge will be attending our dinner meeting this month and presenting our club with the awards we have won, they are normally given out at our National Conference but we are honored to have Christine come in person to give them to us. We are having the last part of our National AGM this month via zoom, it will focus on resolutions that weren't done in the last two zoom meetings, Andrea is a delegate and is presenting the Life Below Water resolution. Our other delegates are Kay Legge, Marissa Cope and Rebbecca Treeby. We wish them all luck at the conference and we hope our resolution gets passed. Our guest speaker is Kerrie Palma from the Tear Fund speaking on Human Trafficking and our theme this month is White Ribbon. The White Ribbon campaign continues to focus on Respectful Relationships which are built on equality between women and men, the effective use of non-violent communication, flexible gender behaviour for men and women and respectful sexual relationships, which includes consent. It is time for our membership invoices to go out, if you would like your invoice written to your business then please email our treasurer Amelie and let her know. We are having our crop swap again this month so please bring something along, you never know what bargain you will get! Our club Camelia's are for sale at our dinner meeting so don't miss out on buying one of these beautiful plants. A big thank you to Linda for selling our Camelia's at Tairoa Lodge during the Garden Festival. View full newsletter here....
February 2025
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