Welcome everyone to October 2020. Thank you to everyone who helped and supported our Meet the Candidates event last month, we had some great feedback from Heather Smith, Social Credit who wrote, 'As might be expected from your initials, everything was organized in a business and professional way, but with a big dose of friendliness.' The live stream for our event is on our BPW Hawera Facebook page.
This month we hosted a Pink Ribbon Brunch at Tairoa Lodge which was a lot of fun and we all had a great time. Thank you to everyone who supported this event we raised $273.00 and Marissa and Kay were great speakers, the Pink Ribbon Bingo was a fun way to end brunch...everyone wanted to win prizes and then the big pink raffle which was fantastic. There are photos from our Meet the Candidates and from the Pink Ribbon Brunch on our BPW Hawera Website. Please remember ‘if you would like to promote your business then give Sheryl something from your business to go into the gift packs. A win win! Free Advertising/promoting” Example – key ring, pen, soap, chocolate with your business card attached…..’ So please bring something along to dinner on Monday or you can drop items to Sheryl at Storage and Equipment Hire on South Road. We are having the last part of our National AGM next month via zoom, it will focus on resolutions that weren't done in the last two zoom meetings, we hope to present the Life Below Water resolution which Andrea wrote and will hopefully present...very exciting. Our Women’s Education Scholarship closes this month so please get your applications in, you can find the forms on our website. This month is our AGM and we look forward to seeing you all, thank you to everyone who has put their name forward for a role. Marissa is our guest speaker this month and she will be talking to us about Health and Saftey in the workplace amongst our new covid world. We are having our crop swap again this month so please bring something along, you never know what bargain you will get! View full newsletter here...
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