I hope you managed to get a bit of a break in over Easter Weekend. Wasn’t it great to see the sun out.
Thanks to the generous donations we have a fantastic Easter themed hamper to raffle off at our April dinner. It looks fantastic! The votes are in on whether we kept the 1904 Collect we had on our placemats, or update to the alternative collect adopted in 2020 at the Congress in Mexico City. There were two votes for the 1904 Collect, and 12 votes received for the 2020 collect. We will refresh our placemats soon with the updated collect, and a fresh new look. Sunday 28 th April is the BPW NZ AGM, and you should all have received an email from the national executive with information on the AGM. The AGM will be held online this year, and the face-to- face conferences will be held every second year going forward. Our Hāwera club gets three delegates which gives us three votes at AGM. Past club President Marissa Cope and I are happy to be delegates, but to be able to utilise our third vote we need a third delegate. If you are interested in being a club delegate please let me know. Even if you don’t want to be a delegate you can register as an observer and watch some or all the AGM throughout the day. I will be setting up my big screen TV at home with a webcam to view and participate in the AGM if you wanted to pop in and see a bit of the AGM – just get in touch with me. No guest speaker this month as we have a quite a few things to discuss at our April meeting. Prior to the AGM we must, as a club, decide how we will vote on each of the resolutions. We have already provided feedback on the resolutions as they were presented to us in February, but now we are at the stage if we say we are going to vote for or against resolution. We have also been asked to second one of the resolutions: Professional Apprenticeships for Health Professionals. If as a club we are happy to second this, Marissa has agreed to prepare and speak at the AGM on this resolution. We also want to discuss the South Taranaki District Council Long Term Plan – you may have seen a copy of the consultation document online or in the Taranaki Star. https://www.southtaranaki.com/our-council/plans-strategies-and-reports/long-term-plan We will have a discussion at our April meeting about issues that concern us and provide a submission on the proposal and what else we would like to see in the plan. We also will discuss KTA and give the opportunity for members to either work on or sign off some actions. Our club will recognise Anzac Day and lay a wreath at the Hawera dawn ceremony again this year. We will send out information about where to meet if you want to be part of the club contingent closer to the day. We are currently in the initial planning stages of organising a potential Pink Ribbon Breakfast towards the end of May. More info to come, so watch out for that! A great event to share with friends and family. Tip for the month: There was a great item on RNZ National on Monday 1 st April titled “how to negotiate a better deal”. https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/eastermonday/audio/2018932366/how-to-negotiate- a-better-deal Great advice in the 12-minute segment and well worth listening to if you are looking to ask for raise, buy a new car, or even a house. To view the full newsletter click here...
February 2025
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