Hello and welcome to our first newsletter of 2024. I hope those of you that managed a bit of a break this summer had a relaxing and recharging time.
The club executive committee also took a bit of a break over Christmas and New Years, but we were back into it, and had our annual planning meeting on the last Sunday of January. Not only did we map out of plan for club activities for 2024, but we have also started working on a Social Media Strategy with the aims of:
If you are on Facebook and do not currently follow our page, I recommend you do so, you’ll find us easily at BPW Hāwera. We will be posting more information and content on our Facebook page to supplement our monthly newsletter, our monthly meetings, and our Web Site content. Our plan is for our club to continue its inclusive and welcoming nature. “Business and Professional” may be misleading title for some women given the diversity of our members backgrounds, and we are encouraging that diversity. Our club is for ALL women who want to network, work for the betterment of themselves, other women, and the community – or even if you just want to get out of the house once a month for lovely meal out with a great bunch of people. Everyone has something to share with, or learn from, the rest of our members. We have seen an uptick of no-shows, or non-payments for our club dinner nights. As our caterer, SomeDay is opening and cooking especially for us we have to pay for every meal that we have booked. Things do come up so if you need to cancel a dinner, please do so at the earliest opportunity. Very late cancellations / no shows to the dinner will continue to need to be paid for as the club is charged. When you do confirm your attendance to the dinner meeting, we also recommend you pay for your dinner online if possible. Please reach out if you don’t have our bank account number. Monday 5th February was Red Bag Day. Red Bag Day represents how big the gender pay gap is. As women in New Zealand, on average, are paid less than males, women would need to work to Monday 5th February 2024 to earn the same amount as men earned in 2023. The gender pay gap is even bigger for Māori and Pasifika women. At our upcoming February dinner meeting – please bring along a red bag if you have one to represent the ongoing fight for equal pay for equal value work for all women. Reminder of the new Keys to Achievement programme is up and running on the new BPW NZ Website, and is available in the Members Only section. Please contact me, or any of the club executive for the password to access. It can be downloaded and filled out and we have also printed copies for distribution. If you want a printed book like the old version, we can order one for you for $15. Save the date: Sunday 28th April is the BPW NZ AGM. The AGM will be held online this year, and the face-to-face conferences will be held every second year going forward. Tip for the month: Looking for a Business Management qualification to boost your career? Are you aware that you may be eligible to apply for a fee free NZQA recognised Certificate in Business or Business Management? There are various options available through learning providers in New Zealand, face to face or online. A couple of on-line examples are the Open Polytechnic, or Aspire2. Or locally in Taranaki there are fee free courses at WITT Te Pūkenga. Check it out on their websites. Toni Hunt - BPW Hāwera Club President “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” - ARIANNA HUFFINGTON To view the newsletter click here...
Tēnā koutou katoa
Welcome to Māori language week and also Women’s suffrage month, where we celebrate 130 years on the 19 September of the enduring legacy of women’s suffrage. I have included some info below on Iriaka Rātana, who was the first wāhine Māori MP elected in 1949. You can visit www.ourwahine.nz to learn more about amazing NZ women as well as the ministry of women’s website for further suffrage day activities and events. To help in your Te reo Māori journey visit reomaori.co.nz This month we will be dining at Someday, which I am sure everyone is excited about, so please bring along a friend who will enjoy a great dinner, speaker and company. We will be joined by Shona Brown from Mole map who has extensive experience in skin cancer screening and will give us the run down on this unfortunately prevalent cancer in NZ. Our Meet the Candidates night is all set to go for the 28th September. If you haven’t already please share far and wide and also let us know if you can help out on the night. We are asking if people could bring along any non perishable supper items to our September meeting for the event. Our BPW scholarship is still open so please encourage any local women you know that may need this to apply. October is also our AGM and we will have nomination forms at the September meeting for those interested in running for the executive. You will also need to Save the Date of Sunday 29th October for BPW’s online leadership forum. It sounds like they have some great speakers lined up for the event. We look forward to seeing you all at Someday on the 18th. Mā te wā Marissa Cope BPW Hawera Club President To view the newsletter click here... Tēnā koutou katoa,
Firstly I would like to thank the executive for taking the reins in the last few months as I have had a run of illness and life stuff impacting my input into BPW. They are as always amazing and it is a great committee to be a part of so please think about joining the committee, which you can nominate to do prior to AGM in October (an email will be sent shortly with nomination info).. We will be looking for a new Treasurer, Secretary help and general members to join us in continuing to make this a great club which makes a difference. We have an exciting couple of months coming up at BPW. We are changing up our venues for club nights with our August meeting at Fenton Street Art Collective. We’ll be able to view the art work, participate in a Gin tasting if you wish (additional fees apply) and mix and mingle whilst partaking in grazing platters. See the poster below and please share and invite friends, family and like minded women to the night. But get in quick with the RSVPs as places are a bit limited. We can match up drivers and passengers so please shout out on your RSVP if you are looking for a match up. In August we also celebrate BPW’s Birthday, so please dress in yellow to show your support and celebration. Our September and October dinner meetings will be moving to Someday Cafe, where I am sure we will be treated well by Trish and her team. We will be voting at AGM on our future dinner venue and any changes to fees. For now dinner remains at $35 but don’t forget your raffle money too for our education scholarship fund. Our scholarship is still open so please pass on info to a local lady who might be keen to apply. BPW Aotearoa this month is on “How to use social media to engage your community and customers”. The session will be run by Alice Kibble, Young BPW convenor and overall tech start up wizard. The session is on 24th August online via zoom at 7:30. As always these sessions are open to all members and non members, so share and register. Our Meet the Candidate planning is in full swing with the session to be held on 28th September. It would be great to have some help on the night for a number of roles so please email if you are able to assist. Further details will be out shortly. Looking forward to seeing everyone again on the 21st and enjoying a fun night. ma te wa Marissa Cope To view the newsletter click here... |
February 2025
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