Hello and welcome all to this update, my first as BPW Hāwera Club President. First off thank you to the new committee: Marissa Cope, she has now stepped into the immediate Past President role.
Welcome to new committee members Anna Dunlop-Paaka, and Catherine Trowbridge. They are joining our other continuing committee members Rebecca Treeby, Anita Scott, and Desiree Bond. Rebecca graciously agreed at our executive committee meeting post the AGM to continue as our club secretary. This was a big ask as she has really stepped up nationally in her role as BPW NZ Vice President – membership. As a committee we are going to support her more and take some of the load off her she had carried as part of her club secretary role. I also need to call out another of our members working nationally, Helen Cook, who is working with the BPW NZ executive team on reviewing our national awards. Clubs like ours can only continue to function with the ongoing support of the members who put their hands up and give their time freely to make the club a success. So thanks also to Sheryl Wallis for organising our dinner hostesses and sponsors, but also all those that make the effort to attend our dinner meetings, and volunteer to support club initiatives from Meet the Candidates to our larger fundraisers like our High Tea, and wine sales fundraising opportunities. Many hands make light work and an enjoyable and active club. Our executive committee is always grateful for the support we receive. At our AGM we agreed to increase the dinner fee we paid from $35 to $40, I think we can all agree that the quality of meals we have been treated to at Some Day Café so far certainly has warranted this. Just a reminder to please RSVP to the dinner invites in a timely manner. It helps our dinner convenor out in confirming numbers for catering. Very late cancellations/no-shows to the dinner will continue to need to be paid for as the club is charged. November 25th is White Ribbon Day where we can wear a white ribbon to show we do not condone violence against women. As we have our November dinner coming up on the 20th November we will be collecting for Women’s Refuge. I have supplied a link to the White Ribbon organisation in New Zealand so you can read more and support this organisation also. Thanks to everyone who donated at the October dinner for Pink Ribbon Day. Our club raised $88 for that great cause. Coming up quickly is our annual Christmas Dinner. Thanks to those who provided an indication of likely attendance and preferred dates. Our Christmas Dinner will be held on Monday 4th December. More information and the official invite will be coming out shortly for this dinner. To get us all in the holiday spirit we want you all to dress to show your Christmas Spirit. We have a couple of options for you to join in too if you wish. Support a local business and buy a $20 gift voucher swap. And/or participate in a fantastic new idea – bring along a Christmas Decoration to trade. Remember partners/friends/guests are invited. RSVP for this event by Thursday 30 30th November. A fundraising event for those who want to participate is a Christmas Baking silent auction/sale. If you are a baker or wannabe baker bring along your creation to raise funds for our club. There will be plenty of spot prizes throughout the evening. The new Keys to Achievement programme is up and running on the new BPW NZ Website, and is available in the Members Only section. Please contact myself, Rebecca, or any of the club executives for the password to access. It can be downloaded and filled out and we will also print out copies for distribution. If you want a printed book like the old version, we can order one for you for $15. Another exciting thing our club executive is working on is our Social Media strategy. We have some great ideas and will develop them further – more to come on this. One last thing – we are requiring a few more items for our guest packs. You can take this opportunity to promote your business with a few pens, small note pads, magnets, etc, or even a wrapped chocolate with your business card attached. If you want to participate, please bring a few items (10 or so would be great but whatever you can spare) to a dinner meeting or drop them off to Rebecca at the Taranaki Vet Clinic. Toni Hunt - BPW Hāwera Club President To view the full newsletter click here...
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